How To Use Greaseless Compounds

How To Use Greaseless Compounds

We recommend an application of Glu-Tite before the greaseless compound, to improve adhesion to the buffing wheel.

Turn your buffing machine on, get it up to full speed then turn it off. As soon as you turn it off, hold the stick of Glue-Tite against the wheel and use it as a brake. When the wheel stops you've got enough on.

Repeat this procedure with the greaseless compound. You can repeat this step 2 times. Always make sure to close the container and twist-tie shut to extend the life of the product. In warmer weather, you can store in the fridge. Also, if it is left out for extended periods of time, the product may lose moisture and not work as effectively.

When buffing you will almost always have some come off in the process (usually in very fine pieces or strips), but not all of it. Try applying less pressure.